El gobierno de México rechazó la orden ejecutiva del gobernador Greg Abbott, que da a la Guardia Nacional de Texas la facultad de detener a migrantes y devolverlos a México por los cruces fronterizos.
I issued an Executive Order authorizing the Texas National Guard & Texas Dept. of Public Safety to return illegal immigrants to the border.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) July 7, 2022
Cartels have become emboldened by Biden's open border policies.
Texas is taking unprecedented action to STOP this criminal enterprise. pic.twitter.com/ag08ACYP3Y
In addition to building the border wall & deploying Texas National Guard & State Troopers, Texas took further action today to secure the border.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) July 8, 2022
In Biden's absence, we will continue to keep Texans & Americans safe.
No other state is doing more. pic.twitter.com/njOm5CxoLN
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